
man, 57 years

Cugir, Alba

looking for woman

un om cu defecte si calitati. caut o femeie buna, intelegatoare , eventual si cu un copil, sa ne sprijinim reciproc, o femeie sincera, sufletista , linga care dimineata cind ma trezesc sa nu ma sperii. . . . mentionez, faptul ca daca il cautati pe brad pitt sau jon bon jovi, . . . nu sint ceea ce cautati. insa sint un tip"simpatic"cu care se poate vorbi orice. , imi doresc o rel serioasa, bazata pe comunicare, sinceritate, respect si intelegere. . . totul e sa gasesc pers compatibila cu mine, sint de principiul decit rau insotit mai bine singur. nu cred in rel la distanta, distanta distruge si cele mai puternice sentimente, in fine caut o femeie care sa aprecieze asa cum sint , . . . . vedem. . . .


• Serious relationship / Marriage
• Friendship / Conversations / Chat
• Socializing / Relaxation

5.58 ft

165.35 lb

Golden Wheat




High School

Tehnic field / Engineer

400 €





Music / Movies /


Probably, let me think about it

Yes, because I'm in love

Hmmm....I never thought about it

I'm still thinking

Thank you, but I'm not hungry

Go for a cofee in town

I don't practice too much sport


Stability and trust

Always good

I manage

Nobody will make a movie about my life

Good enough

What I'm looking for

Is not important

Between 28 and 47 years

Between 155 and 171 ft

Between 45 and 79 lb

Is not important

Is not important

Is not important

Is not important

Is not important

Is not important

Is not important

Is not important

Is not important